Gospel of the Week – July 17th

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 – The Parable of the Weeds

It’s about patience, plain and simple.  Learning to wait for God’s time while here on earth, even among the weeds (those of the evil one).  They will live among those of the Lord, unable to be told apart.  But the Lord will, at the end of days, separate the weeds from the wheat, and the weeds will be burned in the fire for all eternity.  Yes, that’s right, it’s hell.  And those of the Lord will be gathered together afterwards.  It’s pretty straightforward, but important to recognize the warning in the text.  Satan has sown evil ones among the children of God, be wary of those who may seem like the good, but do not bear fruit.  However, be not quick to judge.  That is the purview of Christ.  He will be the judge of the weeds, who will be bound together and burned in the fire.  It is not our concern to find the weeds.  Instead, we are to grow and prepare for the harvest.  The Lutheran Study Bible notation for v. 24-30 is informative.  Also, read 2 Peter 3:8-15.  It gives great insight into the patience of the Lord.

And, as always, there’s Pastor Fisk’s Greek Tuesday for the Gospel lesson of the week.

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